Welcoming a pet provides both the owner and the pet with many benefits, however, a coin always has two sides! Today, we will discuss one of the not-so-pleasant sides of being a pet owner, i.e. dealing with pet dander. This may sound like a mild issue that pet owners can just get used to, however, it should not be overlooked, as it can lead to health complications if not addressed properly.2023-12-11
Today, we will introduce some holistic techniques in dog healthcare, that might benefit your paw friend’s overall well-being and help them deal with health issues. We would like to note that these approaches may have a great or small effect on your dog, as it is all individual. Consultation with a veterinarian is highly recommended before the use of some holistic techniques.2023-12-04
While being clingy, showing a continuous desire to accompany us everywhere we go, and whining when left alone, may be perceived as a “sweet” behavior by some owners, it can also be a sign of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety can be displayed in various destructive behaviors such as chewing on shoes, pieces of furniture, or other items at home, excessive barking and whining, house soiling, and even attempts to escape. Separation anxiety can become a serious behavioral issue, which is why it should be treated promptly. Today, we will give you advice on how to recognize separation anxiety in your paw friend, what the cause of it may be, and how to address it properly.