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The Best Fabrics That Repel Dog Hair


The presence of our beloved paw friends makes our lives full of love, joy, and amazing time! They are intelligent and loyal and cause us to be more responsible, caring, and considerate.

Dog parents will agree that their canines are not just pets but family members, who deserve the best living conditions! However, there are certain aspects of being a dog parent, besides of course the great responsibility and finances, that the process involves, that can cause some tension at home.

The gorgeous fur of our paw friends often sticks to our clothes and furniture or simply falls on the floor, erasing any trace of it having been recently cleaned. This can be a serious issue for some people, especially those allergic to dog fur.

However, there’s hope! The key to maintaining a fur-free home lies in the fabrics you choose for your furniture, clothing, and linens. In today’s article, we'll explore the best fabrics that repel dog hair and can help you keep your household clean and comfortable.

Why Are Fabrics Important for Pet Households?

Selecting the right fabrics for your home and wardrobe can make a big difference in managing your paw friend’s fur. There are breeds, whose coat is considered hair, and not fur, like the Yorkshire Terrier, the Poodle, the Maltese, the Chinese Crested, or the Bichon Frisé, and does not shed.

However, most dogs do not belong to this category, which means that they typically shed, reaching the most intensive levels during fall and spring.

Fabrics that repel dog hair can effectively save you not only time but also frustration.

Going to an important meeting, that requires a dress code, waiting for guests to come to visit, or going out for dinner, means having an impeccable outfit. Dog hair on it can put a blemish on your immaculate style.

Let’s delve into the top choices that will not only resist clingy pet hair but will also offer durability and style.



Microfiber is a synthetic fabric known for its resistance to pet hair. Its tightly woven fibers create a smooth surface that makes it difficult for dog hair to stick to. Additionally, it's easy to clean, making it an excellent choice for upholstery. Microfiber sofas and chairs are popular among pet owners because a simple wipe or vacuum is sufficient to keep them clean and hair-free.

Not only is microfiber functional, but it also comes in various designs that have a modern appearance and that can complement any décor.


Leather may not be the first fabric that comes to mind when you think of pet-friendly options, that repel dog hair. However, it's surprisingly resistant to dog hair!

Pet hair doesn't easily adhere to leather surfaces, making it very easy to clean up. A quick wipe with a slightly wet cloth or gentle vacuuming is usually sufficient.

It is worth noting, that leather furniture can add a luxury and sophisticated appearance to your living space while also providing a practical solution in case you are a pet parent.


Cotton is a natural fabric that is commonly used in clothing production which makes more than 70% of the market. It is mostly used in the production of jeans, shirts, underwear, and jackets. Due to its soft and breathable texture, it is also a preferred fabric for bedding.

It is important to note that not all types of cotton are good at repelling dog fur. However, some variations or treatments can help mitigate the problem of dog hair sticking to clothing or furniture.

Tightly Woven Cotton

Cotton with a tighter weave is less likely to attract dog hair compared to loose or open-weave cotton fabrics. While it won't repel dog hair completely, it can make it easier to brush fur or shake it off.

Cotton Blends

Mixed fabrics such as cotton polyester or cotton spandex, can offer better resistance to pet hair due to the synthetic fibers mixed with cotton. Synthetic fibers can reduce the static charge that attracts pet hair.

Treated Cotton

Some cotton fabrics are treated with anti-static or water-repellent finishes, which can help repel pet hair. These treatments may offer some protection against dog hair but are not as effective as specialized pet-friendly fabrics.

Slick Fabrics (Silk & Satin)

Slick or slick-coated fabrics, such as satin or some types of silk, have a smooth and shiny surface that makes it difficult for dog hair to stick to it. While these fabrics may not be the best option for upholstery or everyday wear, they can work well for special occasions.


Denim is a sturdy and durable type of textile, that has its face side cotton-warped. Due to its tight weave and rough texture, it offers a practical solution against dog hair.

Although denim is typically not the first choice when it comes to upholstery, it is still trendy when it comes to clothing (denim skirts have been very trendy in 2023). It offers a casual and timeless look which makes you feel comfortable while being modern.

What better option for a fabric than one that is comfortable to wear, looks modern and also repels dog hair?


Smooth and dense, velvet is a good candidate as a fabric that repels dog hair! Even if you still notice some dog hair on it, it is easy to clean with a vacuum or a brush.

Having historical and royal roots, this fabric can last for decades when properly treated. It will definitely add a luxurious royal note to your home and style! It will of course also offer a practical solution for all pet parents who want to keep their household clean and neat.


Although canvas is not the most common type of fabric for everyday clothing, it is a great option for specific work wear such as vests and pants. It can also be seen as a fabric used for upholstery, drapery, and tote bags.

Canvas is a heavyweight fabric known for its durability and resistance to pet hair, which makes it very suitable not only for indoor furniture but also for outdoor furniture and dog bedding. It comes in various designs and colors, which makes it possible for you to adjust to your style.

If you are a pet parent of a dog who regularly sheds, you need to make a compromise and accept the situation. However, this does not automatically mean that you should be in a constant battle against dog hair and that you have to sacrifice your home’s clean and tidy appearance!

By choosing the most suitable fabrics for your home and clothing, you can significantly reduce the hassle accompanying pet hair cleanup.

Fabrics like those listed above offer a good combo of functionality, style, and pet-friendliness.

Whether you're looking for fur-resistant furniture or would like to update your wardrobe with dog hair-repelling fabrics, these options ensure a cleaner, more comfortable environment for both you and your beloved paw friend!