Many cat owners may have already experienced a situation when their cats seem to have held a grudge against them for various reasons, i.e., they returned home later than usual and did not feed their cat on time; they accidentally stepped on their cat’s tail; they slightly brushed against their cat while moving their arms in an attempt to hug them, etc. Regardless of the particular situation, the resentment that our cats seem to feel towards us when they feel neglected, ignored, or in any way hurt, is apparent. But is it a grudge that our feline friends may hold against us and if yes, how long can cats hold a grudge?2024-01-08
Running out the door and being exposed to potentially dangerous situations such as being hit by a vehicle, is a behavioral issue that makes many dog parents genuinely worry about their furry friends. The well-being and safety of our dogs are our utmost priority as caring pet parents, which is why this type of behavioral issue needs to be properly addressed. In order to do that we need to know our paw friends as individuals and be able to determine the cause of this behavior. Then we need to take adequate action.2023-12-25
There are so many distractions outdoors such as sounds, smells, food leftovers, other dogs, humans, bodies of water to be explored, etc., that might hide potential danger to our canines. Today, we will help you prepare for some common challenges and potentially dangerous situations that may occur outdoors. That way it will be easier for you to take precautions to keep your beloved furry friend safe and healthy.