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Why Should You Play Mind Games With Your Dog?


There aren’t kids who do not enjoy playing, are there? It is the same with dogs, or at least most of them, especially while still young. Jumping, wandering and sniffing around, nose-nudging, mouthing, chewing, chasing... Dogs are just like small children exploring the world around them! Sometimes we tend to associate “play” and “game” with something negative, when it comes to our paw friends, as we may pair these words with a mess, wasted time, and of course the need to clean after the dog. And modern dynamic life, does not suggest that we have time or need to spend much time playing with our dogs, does it?

Playing with our paw friends is more important for their proper development as confident and happy adult dogs than you may think. This especially applies to mentally stimulating games that will keep your canine engaged and happy.


Benefits of Mental Exercises for Dogs

Just like humans dogs need physical and mental exercise to remain fit and healthy. They are intelligent creatures after all and mental stimulation plays an important role in their general well-being. An indisputable advantage of mental stimulation, especially when combined with a physical one, is spending excessive energy. Dogs who play mental games are more likely to be calm and obedient. Talking about obedience and mentally stimulating games, behavioral issues are less likely to occur (or at least for that reason) in dogs who are mentally and physically stimulated. Dogs who are tired and have been engaged in fun activities throughout the day tend to be better mannered than those who have not had the opportunity to spend their energy.

Mental games will keep your paw friend’s mind intact, which is essential for dogs during the process of aging. Senior dogs typically do not have the ability to play physically demanding games, which is why playing mental games with your paw friend will help him/her enjoy life in old age and spend a pleasant time with you.

Making your dog hunt for his/her meal or find treats after you hid them, will bring them joy! They will have to sniff around, which is their way to explore their environment. They will enjoy both the process of hunting and finding the reward and the reward itself.

Dogs who regularly spend time playing mentally stimulating games are less likely to feel alone and develop separation anxiety. Since they will be engaged in different types of games during the day, they won’t take your absence from home so emotionally. As you may know, some dog breeds are more prone to separation anxiety than others, e.g. the Labrador and the Golden Retriever, the German Shepherd, the Vizsla, the Border Collie, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the Jack Russell Terrier...etc. As you can see, all the listed dog breeds are considered intelligent. The more intelligent a dog is, the higher the maintenance will be. This means that intelligent dogs can get bored and feel lonely and isolated more easily.

Mental stimulation contributes to developing a dog’s learning skills. If you provide your canine with opportunities to use his/her brain, he/she is likely to easily acquire new skills in the future. This is very important for service dogs, who go through specialized training to perform specific work for the benefit of a person with a disability. So, if you consider turning your pet dog into a service dog, you should start providing him/her with mental stimulation from a young age.

When combined with physical activity, such as playing the hide-and-seek game, mentally stimulating games will prevent your dog from gaining weight and eventually becoming obese. Obesity is a common problem in dogs, that is typically caused by a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of activity.

Last but not least, if you are also actively engaged in your dog’s mental exercises (and do not provide him/her with toys only) he/she will get more attuned to you. You will spend valuable time together, knowing each other better and strengthening your bond.


Benefits of Mental Exercises for Dog Owners

Yes, we are talking about dogs, but that does not mean that exercising your paw friend and taking care of his/her mental health, won’t benefit you too!

As mentioned above, dogs who are engaged in fun games and provided with interesting toys (we will talk about the toys a bit later in the article) are less likely to develop behavioral issues. This means for you less time spent cleaning the mess your canine may have made out of boredom, and more time for your own hobbies.

You will be able to go to work or otherwise leave the house without worrying about how your paw friend would react. You should keep in mind though, that most puppies go through a separation anxiety stage and are likely to whine when left alone. When taught from a young age to spend valuable time alone playing various mentally stimulating games, puppies may be able to outgrow this issue more quickly.

Since mental and physical exercise is beneficial for your paw friend’s health, you are likely to worry less about his/her general well-being and the need to constantly bring him to the vet. Of course, regular annual exams, vaccinations, and parasite control should not be neglected.

In case you are considering turning your dog into a service animal, providing him/her with enough mental stimulation, will help you train him/her in advanced tasks much easier. Mental games will contribute to your paw friend’s learning skills.

Through mental stimulation, not only will your dog get more attuned to you, but you will become more attuned to his/her needs too. You will know him/her better as an individual which will result in developing a strong bond between you and your paw friend.


Mentally Stimulating Games for Dogs

The Cup Game

This is nothing more than the old well-known shell game but in a dog version. This game will help you and your canine spend a pleasant time together, while his/her problem-solving skills are improving at the same time. 

You just need three cups and your canine’s favorite treats. Put the cups on the floor or another flat surface next to each other. Place a treat under one of the cups and let your canine watch you while you are doing so. Then you need to shuffle the cups. If your paw friend chooses the right cup, he/she gets the treat! A fun game for both of you!


A favorite game of many children and...dogs! There is a variety of puzzle designs, based on their size and difficulty. However, the main idea remains the same-the dog should find a way to reach a hidden treat. Based on how much you would like to challenge your dog and keep him/her engaged, you can opt for easier puzzles for beginners or more advanced ones for experienced puzzle solvers. 

Stuffed Kong

You can fill the toy with peanut butter or treats and even kibbles from your doggy's regular meal, and hide it. Also, you can add some water to the treats/kibbles and put the toy in a freezer. That way you will create an even bigger challenge for your paw friend, which will make him/her show good finding skills. Treat hunting is likely to become one of the most favorite games for your paw friend! 

Treat-Dispensing Toy

There are toys in the form of a ball, that can be filled with treats/kibbles. You can adjust the size of the area where the treats come out in order to make the game easier or more difficult. The more you increase the difficulty, the better skills your paw friend will need to show to get the treat.

Name the Toy

Actually, you can play this game not only to teach your dog the names of his/her favorite toys but also different objects at home or even certain commands. You can play it for fun only or to help your doggy learn basic obedience commands. If you want to keep it laid-back, you can teach him/her to learn the name of his/her favorite ball or toy and bring it to you, when he/she hears you saying its name. 


This funny game can be played in different ways. You can hide until your family member or friend distracts your dog and then he/she has to find you. A pleasant time to spend with your fellow, isn’t it? You can ask your family to join the game too! Also, you can hide your paw friend’s favorite toy so he/she has to find it. Once he/she finds it, he/she should get a reward for the job well done! There are also toys on the market that are basically plush animals (e.g. squirrels) that have to be pulled out of their holes. Some game versions have added squeaking effects in order for the game to be even more entertaining.

Obstacle Game

You can improvise and rearrange some chairs, small tables, or any items at home that can be easily moved. They will play the role of obstacles that your dog will need to overcome to get a reward. If you do not want to make a mess at home, you can use your garden/backyard, in case you live in a house, where you will have some free space to put the wanted items.

You can think about different types of games to mentally stimulate your paw friend and spend a pleasant time with him/her.